The seven-member commission is an independent entity, separate from the Iowa Judicial Branch. Members include:

  • Four persons (not lawyers or judges) appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate; no more than two of the four lay persons on the commission may belong to the same political party

  • One district court judge appointed by the chief justice of the Iowa Supreme Court

  • Two practicing lawyers appointed by the chief justice of the Iowa Supreme Court; the two practicing lawyers on the commission may not belong to the same political party

Commission members serve staggered-six year terms

Judicial Qualifications Commission

Each member serves a six-year term with no possible second term

Name City Appointed by Term Expires
Cynthia Moser Sioux City Iowa Supreme Court 12/31/2029
Hon. David Porter Des Moines Iowa Supreme Court 12/31/2026
Melvin Shaw, Chair Coralville Iowa Supreme Court 12/31/2027
Jeanita McNulty Blue Grass Governor Reynolds 4/30/2025
Rich Wright Sioux City Governor Reynolds 4/30/2027
Emily Callison Ankeny Governor Reynolds 4/30/2027
Wayne Stuedemann DeWitt Governor Reynolds 4/30/2029